Hello World - Vno




再次感谢onvcat同学提供的主题,让伸手速成党有了福利。( •̀ ω •́ )y 但是markdown一点也不好玩,需要一点时间熟悉,2017新的一年,加油吧。

What’s this

Vno Jekyll is a theme for Jekyll. It is a port of my Ghost theme vno, which is originally developed from Dale Anthony’s Uno.


First of all, you should install ruby


在 C:\Ruby23-x64\lib\ruby\gems\2.3.0\gems\sass-3.4.22\lib\sass\engine.rb 的最后一个 require 后面加一行代码:

Encoding.default_external = Encoding.find(‘utf-8’)

$ gem install jekyll bundler
$ git clone https://github.com/onevcat/vno-jekyll.git your_site
$ cd your_site
$ bundler install
$ bundler exec jekyll serve

Your site with Vno Jekyll enabled should be accessible in

For more information about Jekyll, please visit Jekyll’s site.


All configuration could be done in _config.yml. Remember you need to restart to serve the page when after changing the config file. Everything in the config file should be self-explanatory.

Background image and avatar

You could replace the background and avatar image in assets/images folder to change them.

Sites using Vno

My blog is using Vno Jekyll as well, you could see how it works in real. There are some other sites using the same theme. You can find them below:

Site Name URL
OneV’s Den http://onevcat.com
当我们一起走过 http://melodyso.github.io

If you happen to be using this theme, welcome to send me a pull request to add your site link here. :)


Great thanks to Dale Anthony and his Uno. Vno Jekyll is based on Uno, and contains a lot of modification on page layout, animation, font and some more things I can not remember. Vno Jekyll is followed with Uno and be licensed as Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International. See the link for more information.



首先,上线各大渠道要看应用的总内存量。总内存包含了我们在Unity Profiler的Memory面板上看到的Reserved Total数字的值,再加上除Unity以外的内存。但是很多时候,这个总内存要比Unity Profiler多出来一个量级。以我们的项目为例,iOS总内存为408MB,Unity Reserved Total为279.4MB,多出来408-279.4=128.6MB。天了噜!这些暗箱里的东西都是什么?我打算从完整项目开始做减法,分别测试一探究竟。先上我测试用的代码,...…
